Monday 4 April 2011

A more detailed structure

Structure for my ten minute autobiographical Solo Performance

‘Have you ever done something that you know you shouldn’t?’ Story about anarchy gremlin vs rationality. Comic and stand-up-like stories of the gremlin. 3-4 minutes
Leads onto me wanting to be a teacher, and to do this you can’t have a criminal record, especially not for GBH/ABH or assault. ‘But this is what has bought me here, because the gremlin has got his way.’ Sat behind an interview desk in a police station because I assaulted a man who had previously sexually abused my disabled brother, but got away with it because of lack of evidence. I say attacked, the Gremlin took over and I beat the living snot out of the guy for as long as possible before being pulled off of him. ‘Why do they say “the red mist descended”? Its not a red mist, it’s complete pure and unadulterated hate, anger and evil. I felt like the devil himself was inside me taking out his violent and unbelievable fury out on this person. I don’t remember what I did, I was told afterwards. I blacked out, I was blind with fury and wrath.’ 1 minute
Dance interpretation of violent assault. 1 minute
Interview type situation with an unseen officer where I lose it and flip the table. With ‘You know what I wished every birthday and Christmas? But it ever came.’ And ‘When i was younger, other kids always asked for selfish things, I wanted something that wasn’t for me.’ Sketch. 2 minutes
Disabled movement around the stage. I can’t move unless I physically move my legs. 1 minute
Drink a whole can of beer, give some to audience. Why do I drink? Not for the social side, but to get closer to how my brother must be feeling. Monologue sketch ‘I’m fed up of....’ monologue, followed by ‘Ten thing I hate about you’ Monologue. 1 minute.
End with the song ‘Spasticus Autisticus’ by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, a celebration of disability. With a slide show of my brother during the song and lyrics along the bottom, and a thank you from him at the end. 1 minute

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