Sunday 24 April 2011

Identity exercise

An exercise we did during lectures and seminars has been coming back to me because it has been helpful for me to understand and realise my own cultural identity. It was simply an exercise in which one has to stand on a number between one and ten depending how strongly they feel on the subject in question. For example, I stood at number 1 when asked if I felt like I was a country or city person because I dislike living in the city so much that I cannot wait to move back to rural England. Again, with fox hunting, I stood at number 2 because even though I am very much against it, I realise they are pests for farmers and damage crop/livestock. Although I will not be using anything from this exercise in my final performance, it is clear that it has had an effect on me because I am now a lot more sure about where I stand on subjects, and know that I am very different from other people in the class. There are moments in my performance where my cultural identity comes through, such as my mocking and dislike for a middle class family on the train, and when I say that I am going back home on the train for christmas. These two sentances are simple, but tell a lot about me and my cultural identity. Again, when I say about London having little snow but coming to a pathetic standstill, and the rest of the UK having several feet more but struggling on with life, it shows my stance on London and my cultural views on it.

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