Wednesday 4 May 2011

Final adjustments and feedback

I performed my piece in front of a larger audience and received the following feedback in order to refine my performance,

  • Make eye cotact at the very begining with the audience
  • Take a pause or a beat before I ask the audience a question because my speech is very fast paced and they need time to realise I am asking them a question.
  • Leave more time to interact with the audience, especially after the opening line 'Have yo ever done something you are not supposed to?'
  • Refine the train joke, there are too many targets and it is not clear that the punchline is the snobby family
  • Exaggerate the names of the snob family by finding names that are least used in society, like Artemis, or names from Shakepeare like Juliet, Desdemona or Ophelia
  • The dark section after the comedy need work, it needs to be tidied up and refined, especially the dance section. The stand up can be more casual, but the darker part of the story needs to be more fixed and specific in order to contrast the laid back comedy section
  • There was an involuntary leg twitch I had during the interview, use it more to show that Hyde is trying to come out, develop this more
  • Rehearse more with the derogatory words during the fight/dance, don't add 'fucking' etc for effect because the list of derogatory words is powerful enough on their own
  • Work more on the dance, it went wrong so rehearse it more, and don't make it so neat because fights are not neat and tidy, vary the tempo of the fight to half speed and double speed to show different ways of moving
  • Make it more obvious that your brother was sexally abused by a man who was supposed to be his carer by stopping dead, be completely still and say the words, pause, then go into the fight. It will highlight what has gone on and why Hyde has come back out.
  • Work specifically on refining the train story and the dance.